Blue Bird

Blockchain Foundations


For this course, we will develop our own blockchain. Each student will write their own independent implementation of a node for our network in their programming language of choice. This document outlines how the system will work and how nodes will communicate.

During your implementation, be aware that neighbouring nodes can be malicious. Your implementation must be resilient to simple and complex attacks. Simple attacks can be the supply of invalid data. Complex attacks can involve signatures, proof-of-work, double spending, and blocks, all of which must be validated carefully.

The chain is a static difficulty proof-of-work UTXO-based blockchain over a TCP network protocol.

The chain is called Marabu (like the bird, but spelled with u instead of ou), but you should name your node something else.


The peer-to-peer network works over TCP. The default TCP port of the protocol is 18018, but you can use any port. If your node is running behind NAT, make sure your port is forwarded.


Your node will initially connect to a list of known peers. From there, it will build its own list of known peers. We will maintain a list of bootstrapping peer IPs / domains in this document when they become available.

Data validation

Your client must disconnect from their peer in case they receive invalid data. Be rigorous about network data validation and do not accept malformed data. Log any incorrect data received to help us with debugging.

Cryptographic Primitives


We use SHA-256 as our hash for everything. This is used both for content-addressible application objects as well as proof-of-work. When hashes appear in our JSON, they should be in hexadecimal format.


We use Ed25519 signatures. Public keys and signatures should be byte-encoded as described in RFC 8032. A library will typically take care of this process, for example crypto/ed25519 in Go. Once a signature or public key is byte-encoded, it is converted to hex to represent as a string within our JSON. Whenever we refer to a "public key" or a "signature" in this protocol, we mean the byte-encoded hexified data respectively.


Hex strings must be in lower case.

Application Objects

Application Objects are objects that must be stored by each node. These are content-addressed by the SHA256 hash of their JSON representation. It is therefore important to have the same JSON representation as other clients so that the same objects are addressed by the same hash. You should normalize your JSON and ensure it is in canonical JSON form. The examples in this document contain extra whitespace for readability, but these should not be sent over the network. The SHA256 of the JSON contents is the objectid.

An Application Object is a JSON dictionary containing the "type" key and further keys depending on its type.

There are two types of Application Objects: Transactions and Blocks. Their objectids are called txid and blockid respectively.


This represents a transaction and has the type transaction. It contains the key inputs containing an array of inputs, and the key outputs containing an array of outputs.

An input contains a pointer to a previous output (the outpoint), and a signature. An input is a dictionary containing two keys: An outpoint key and a sig key. The outpoint key contains a dictionary of two keys: txid and index. The txid is the txid of a previous transaction, while the index is the natural number (zero-based) indexing an output within that transaction. The sig key contains the signature.

Signatures are created using the private keys corresponding to the public keys that are pointed to by their respective outpoint. Signatures are created on the plaintext which consists of the transaction they (not their public keys!) are contained within, except that the sig values are all replaced with null. This is necessary because a signature cannot sign itself.

An output is a dictionary with keys value and pubkey. The value is a non-negative integer indicating how much value is carried by the output. The value is denominated in picabu, the smallest denomination in Marabu. 1 bu = 10^12 picabu. The pubkey is a public key, the receipient of the money.

  "type": "transaction",
  "inputs": [
      "outpoint": {
        "txid": "f71408bf847d7dd15824574a7cd4afdfaaa2866286910675cd3fc371507aa196",
        "index": 0
      "sig": "3869a9ea9e7ed926a7c8b30fb71f6ed151a132b03fd5dae764f015c98271000e7da322dbcfc97af7931c23c0fae060e102446ccff0f54ec00f9978f3a69a6f0f"
  "outputs": [
      "pubkey": "077a2683d776a71139fd4db4d00c16703ba0753fc8bdc4bd6fc56614e659cde3",
      "value": 5100000000

Transactions must satisfy the weak law of conservation: The sum of input values must be equal or exceed the sum of output values. Any remaining value can be collected as fees by the miner confirming the transaction.

If the transaction is a coinbase transaction, then it will not contain an inputs key but it will contain a height key with the block's height as the value. The coinbase transaction cannot we spent in the same block.

  "type": "transaction",
  "height": 128,
  "outputs": [
      "pubkey": "077a2683d776a71139fd4db4d00c16703ba0753fc8bdc4bd6fc56614e659cde3",
      "value": 50000000000


This represents a block and has the type "block". It contains the key txids, which is a list of the txids within the block, a nonce which is a 32-byte hexified value, a previd which is the blockid of the previous block in the chain, a created which is an (integer) UNIX timestamp in seconds, and a T which is a 32-byte hexadecimal integer and is the mining target. Optionally it can contain a miner field and a note field, which can be any ASCII-printable strings up to 128 characters long each.

  "type": "block",
  "txids": [
  "nonce": "a26d92800cf58e88a5ecf37156c031a4147c2128beeaf1cca2785c93242a4c8b",
  "previd": "0024839ec9632d382486ba7aac7e0bda3b4bda1d4bd79be9ae78e7e1e813ddd8",
  "created": 1622825642,
  "T": "003a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "miner": "dionyziz",
  "note": "A sample block"

Block validity mandates that the block satisfies the proof-of-work equation: blockid < T.

The genesis block has a null previd. This is our genesis block:

  "T": "00000002af000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "created": 1624219079,
  "miner": "dionyziz",
  "nonce": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002634878840",
  "note": "The Economist 2021-06-20: Crypto-miners are probably to blame for the graphics-chip shortage",
  "previd": null,
  "txids": [],
  "type": "block"

All valid chains must extend genesis. Each block must have a timestamp which is later than its predecessor but not after the current time.

The txids in a block may contain one coinbase transaction. This transaction must be the first in the txids. That transaction has no inputs but has a height key containing the height of the block the coinbase transaction is included in. It has exactly one output which generates 50 * 10^12 new picabus and also collects fees from the transactions confirmed in the block. The value in this output cannot exceed the sum of the new coins plus the fees, but it can be less than this. The height in the coinbase transaction must match the height of the block the transaction is contained in. This is so that coinbase transactions with the same public key in different blocks are distinct.

All blocks must have a target T of 00000002af000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. The genesis blockid is 00000000a420b7cefa2b7730243316921ed59ffe836e111ca3801f82a4f5360e. Check this to ensure your implementation is performing correct JSON canonicalization.


Every message exchanged by two peers over TCP is a JSON message. These JSON messages are separated from one another using '\n'. The JSON messages themselves must not contain new line endings ('\n'), but they may contain escaped line endings within their strings.

Every JSON message is a dictionary. This dictionary always has at least the key "type" set, which is a string and defines the message types. Each message may contain its own keys depending on its type.


When you connect to another client, you must both send a { "type": "hello" } message. The message must also contain a version key, which is always set to 0.8.0. If the version you receive differs from 0.8.x you must disconnect. The message can also contain an agent key, with a string description of the node software name and version the node is running.

You must exchange a hello message both ways before you exchange any other message. If a message is sent prior to the hello message, you must close the connection. Messages can be sent in any order after that.

  "type": "hello",
  "version": "0.8.0",
  "agent": "Marabu-Core Client 0.8"


Optionally, you can send objects with implementation-specific error messages to describe any exceptions encountered. An error object should be of type error and contain an error key with a string value that describes the error at hand.

  "type": "error",
  "error": "Unsupported message type received"


If you want to know what peers are known to your peer, you send them a getpeers message. This message has no payload and must be responded-to with a peers message.

{ "type": "getpeers" }


This message can be volunteered or sent in response to a getpeers message. It contains a peers key which is an array of peers. Every peer is a string in the form of <host>:<port>. The default port is 18018 but other ports are valid. Inclusion of the port in the string is mandatory. Examples for different types of hosts are provided below.

  "type": "peers",
  "peers": [
    "", /* dns */
    "", /* ipv4 */
    "[fe80::f03c:91ff:fe2c:5a79]:18018" /* ipv6 */

When sending a peers message, a node can include itself in the list if it is listening for connections.


This message requests an object addressed by the given hash. It contains an objectid key which is the address of the object.

  "type": "getobject",
  "objectid": "0024839ec9632d382486ba7aac7e0bda3b4bda1d4bd79be9ae78e7e1e813ddd8"


This message advertises that the sending peer has an object with a given hash addressed by the objectid key. The receiving peer may request the object (using getobject) in case it does not have it.

  "type": "ihaveobject",
  "objectid": "0024839ec9632d382486ba7aac7e0bda3b4bda1d4bd79be9ae78e7e1e813ddd8"

In our gossiping protocol, whenever a peer receives a new object and validates it, it advertises the new object to its peers.


This message sends an object from one peer to another. This can be voluntary, or as a response to a getobject message. It contains an object key which contains the object in question.

  "type": "object",
  "object": {
    "type": "block",
    "txids": [
    "nonce": "a26d92800cf58e88a5ecf37156c031a4147c2128beeaf1cca2785c93242a4c8b",
    "previd": "0024839ec9632d382486ba7aac7e0bda3b4bda1d4bd79be9ae78e7e1e813ddd8",
    "created": "1622825642",
    "T": "003a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


Request the mempool of the peer with a message of type getmempool. There is no payload in this message. The peer responds with a mempool message.

  "type": "getmempool"


This message, with type mempool, is sent as a response to a getmempool message, or it can be volunteered. It includes a list of all txids that the sending peer has in its mempool, i.e., are not yet confirmed. These are included in an array with the key txids.

  "type": "mempool",
  "txids": []


Request the current blockchain tip of the peer with a message of type getchaintip. There is no payload in this message.

  "type": "getchaintip"


This message, with type chaintip, is sent as a response to the getchaintip message, or it can be volunteered. It includes a single key called blockid with the blockid of the current tip.

  "type": "chaintip",
  "blockid": "0024839ec9632d382486ba7aac7e0bda3b4bda1d4bd79be9ae78e7e1e813ddd8"

The receiving peer can then use getobject to retrieve the block contents and then follow up with more getobject messages for each previd recursively to retrieve the whole blockchain as needed.